foodpanda: RM0.10 Pandapro Subscription Promotion

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What is this promotion?

A1 Get a Monthly pandapro plan at RM0.10 (normal subscription fee: RM8.90) by applying promo code, TNGPRO.

Q2 What is the duration of this promotion?

A2 Promotion period is from 1 June 2023 to 30 June 2023, inclusive of both dates. Limited to first 35,000 redemptions. This promotion will cease once the redemption limit has been reached or at the expiration of the promotion period, whichever is earlier.

Q3 Who is eligible for this promotion?

A3 All users who pay for the pandapro subscription on foodpanda application and apply promo code, TNGPRO during the promotion period.

Q4 How many time(s) can I enjoy this promotion?

A4 Limited to 1 redemption for each foodpanda account.

Promosi foodpanda: RM0.10 Langganan Pandapro

Soalan Lazim

S1 Apakah tawaran promosi ini?

J1 Dapatkan satu pelan pandapro Bulanan pada RM0.10 (harga langganan asal: RM8.90) dengan menggunakan kod promo, TNGPRO.

S2 Bilakah tempoh promosi ini?

J2 Tempoh promosi adalah dari 1 Jun 2023 sehingga 30 Jun 2023, termasuk dua tarikh yang dinyatakan. Terhad kepada 35,000 penebusan yang terawal. Promosi ini akan dihentikan apabila had penebusan telah dicapai atau pada tamat tempoh promosi, yang mana lebih terdahulu.

S3 Siapakah yang layak untuk promosi ini?

J3 Semua pengguna yang membayar langganan pandapro di aplikasi foodpanda dan menggunakan kod promo, TNGPRO semasa tempoh promosi.

S4 Berapa kalikah boleh saya menikmati tawaran promosi ini?

J4 Terhad kepada 1 penebusan untuk setiap akaun foodpanda.